
What tips can be known to local games around the world?

Many factors can make a local game known around the world. Factors - factors related to how we design the game. Start of an exciting and unique gameplay, an interesting visual display, sound effects, wah, or Levels That Make the player curious.
But the most Important aspect in making a game That is targeted for global success there are a few Things to note:

1. Language. Be sure to use the languages ​​That are Widely used throughout the world, Such as English, French, Spanish, or Chinese. This will determine the number of people WHO can play our game.
2. Target player focus.
Although we are targeting as many people play our game WHO, but with a very broad targets of our competitors That means players will also be very much. But if you have a specific targets of the player, Such online card game player, and we make a good online game card then the player Could be a lot more than if we make a game That gameplaynya common.
3. Proper promotion. Be sure to do the promotion, either create a press release on Various gaming news sites, or in gamer forums. Do not wait for the game That you the make for success and played a lot of people, Because no matter how good your game, if nobody knows it exists then the game would be in vain.
If you are interested in making games for the target market of Indonesia, Indonesia Gamer Survey results may ever be held by Agate Studio can give you a taste of Gamers in Indonesia.

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