
Batman game: The Dark Knight Rises' in Action in the IOS and Android

Fever "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises" also hit the IOS and Android phones in the form of the game with the same title with the movie, felt, the hero of Gotham City.
Unlike Batman Arkham City is created by Warner Bros, the game works Batman: The Dark Knight Rises by Loft. Of course, the graphics were created as cool as the movie.

Leading with netscooling from 9to5Mac, Friday (07/21/2012), players are invited to act as the Dark Knight of Gotham City in peacekeeping terrorist court.

Not only is the action game, players are also invited to the puzzle to solve, including swing construction of skyscrapers. In addition to the dark atmosphere of tense nan ala Batman movie.
The more stable, because cars like the Bat-Pod Batman can be played by players.

Well, there are price differences are quite striking with the previous series. Because when Arkham City valued at USD 0.99, Batman "The Dark Knight ride at a price of USD6.99.

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