Tween Motion (Jet Fighter Khadafi)

- hello hello ... 
hehehehe .. 
how are you friend?

- if yesterday was able to open the flash n create a new file .. it is time for motion tween. animated movement / shifting objects in another direction ..
can to the top, sides, bottom, large, or small ..
okay .. for example like this airplane president Gaddafi Libya for 40 years:

- If you click on the picture above the picture will move.
 way is as follows:
 > After creating a new file.
 > Enter the picture through the import stage (Ctrl + R), select the image you like.

 > Select the selection tool, then double click to activate the image.
 > Select Modify> Convert to Symbol (F8)
 > In the dialog box fill in like this:
 > Select OK.

 > Click the mouse on the frame 35 on the Timeline, then select Insert> Timeline> Keyframe or right-click mouse and select Insert Keyframe.

 > Click image fighter jets to all places:

 > Block on the timeline from frame 1 to frame 35.

 > Click the right mouse button on the Timeline select Create Motion tween.

 > to activate or see the image select Control> Play or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

> Save As

Make it easy?
good luck ....


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